Kamp Kewanee
The Kamp Kewanee Knocker
    La Plume, Pa. Friday, January 17, 2025   
Kamp Kewanee
Table of Kontents
Message Board
Knocker Arkhive
Marionette Show Tonite
Kamp Alumni Directory
 Kamp Song
Sechrist Memoirs
2006 Reunion
2001 Reunion
Reunion Faces
Gordon Lawrence's Reunion Song
Steve Moses's Reunion Poem
Reunion Sound Bites   Reunion Sound Bites
whole reunion (90 min)
Clip 1: Lew Klein Intro
Clip 2: Lew Klein
Clip 3: Skinny Ennis Intro
Clip 4: Skinny Ennis
Clip 5: Sing-a-long
Clip 6: Steve Moses Intro
Clip 7: Steve Moses
Clip 8: Mayer Abrahamson Intro
Clip 9: Mayer Abrahamson
Clip 10: Longevity Awards
Clip 12: Saaaaaaam
Clip 13: Jeff Landau
Clip 14: Gordy Lawrence Intro
Clip 15: Gordy Lawrence
Clip 16: Dick Sundheim Intro
Clip 17: Dick Sundheim
Clip 18: Alan Kaufmann Intro
2001 Reunion Kolossal Success!!!
The Great 2001 Kamp Kewanee Reunion was held the weekend of September 7th and 8th, 2001 at the Ace Center (formerly known as the "Eagle Lodge" - site of the previous two reunions) near Philadelphia. Attended by more than 100 Kampers and Kounselors and 50 relatives and friends, Kamp Spirit made the rounds as old memories were shared and new memories made.

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